Don’t Apologise For Being Yourself

Do you see yourself having the habit of apologising for needlessly? This can become a bad habit without you realising it. It may be because you don’t want to offend anyone, or are you worried about what they will think of you if you don’t. However, you may be needlessly worrying about their perception of you.

Have you heard of this saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, however if someone else’s behaviour is not what you are accustomed to, you may find yourself apologising for their behaviour and not yours.

For example, when someone bumps into you, do you say ‘ohh sorry’? I know I’ve done this myself I apologies we feel like its the right thing to do however they should be the ones saying sorry, not you. You may also be looking for their acceptance of you, for being a decent person. The thing is you are not helping yourself.

You are lowering your self-esteem and this can possibly be causing unhappiness and anxiety. If you take control of your life and do not worry so much about fitting in with others, you will enjoy life more. Showing people your true self is not something you ever have to be sorry for. We are all imperfect and unique in different ways.  So, embrace your imperfections.

Be the best version of yourself.

Below, Are My Five Things You Don’t Have To Apologise For

To improve your quality of life, knowing when you don’t need to apologise is important. Don’t Apologise For Upholding Your Beliefs and Voicing Your Opinion.

Everyone has the freedom to stand up for their beliefs, morals, values, and opinions. It’s good to be open-minded, so you don’t have to agree with other people all the time. It’s also not wrong to speak your mind or give an opinion. If you matter to them, they won’t mind when you do and may even appreciate it.

You, like them, are entitled to express your opinion, no matter how different it is from theirs. We each have unique insights that deserve respect. So don’t apologise for standing up for what you believe in. 

1. Don’t Apologise For Saying No

You are not obliged to say yes if you do not want to. 

You may have to learn to say ‘NO’ which is not an easy thing to do when you have conditioned yourself to say yes to everything and everyone. It is your choice to say no. Learn to be firm in saying no without apologising for it.

2. Don’t Apologise For Being Truthful

Telling the truth when someone asks you about something is only right. You don’t have to apologise to anyone for telling someone the truth. Normally, the people who get mad at you for speaking the truth are those who are living a lie. 

Your honesty will help other people see the truth, and possibly protect them from further lies. The person who wishes you lied is the one who needs to change. Also, don’t apologise for anything if you don’t mean it. 

Be true to yourself.

Be the energy you want to attract. You don’t need to apologise for everything.
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3. Don’t Apologise For Self-Care

We all have different priorities to take care of, including ourselves. If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you take care of other people in your life? 

It’s not wrong to take care of your own needs. You need to give time to yourself so that you can relax and recharge your mind and body.

Giving priority to the things that matter to ‘you’ will give you good health, happiness, and fulfilment.

4. Don’t Apologise For Not Responding Immediately

Some things can wait. 

You don’t need to jump to everyone else’s demands. If you have to prioritise more important things or follow your schedule, other people will just have to wait. You cannot be productive if you are distracted by answering emails or text messages that are not critical emergencies. If they are not of the utmost importance they can wait.

5. Don’t Apologise For Ending Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships are unhealthy for your mind and body. It hinders your happiness. You cannot avoid being affected by a person’s negativity. So never apologise for an unhappy ending.

Ultimately, never apologise if you choose to follow your advice and not someone else’s. Your life is what you make of it and should make you feel happy and fulfilled. 

Embracing your individuality by being yourself, instead of constantly saying sorry for all that you think and do, will not help you through life. Some people may hate you and that’s all right. Others will respect you and that’s alright too. Apologising needlessly will only lower your self-esteem and self-worth.

So stop apologising for being yourself.

Remember, I BELIEVE in YOU!

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